Innovative User Sensitive Contact Surfaces
ZeSa’s devices are made with user-sensitive Exer-Dry™ surfaces created for barefoot training and gym shoes on the standard surface, plus cleats on the Turf-Top™ surface.
Exer-Dry™ Standard Top Surface:

Exer-Dry™ Anti-Slip Top Layer –The pliable top surface pads of ZeSa training devices are made from a gripping material with moisture-wicking anti-slip technology, that prevents hands and feet from slipping on the platform even when wet.
Barefoot-Friendly – All ZeSa device top platforms are designed to be used with bare feet and bare hands, which stimulates the sensory nervous system and helps increase foot/hand to brain connectivity. They are also compatible with gym shoes.
Anti-Microbial – The pliable Exer-Dry™ top surface of ZeSa training devices has an anti-microbial component in the polymer substrate that kills microbes, along with being easily cleanable.
Turf-Top™ Surface:
Astroturf Top Layer – The same durable top platform for ZeSa Activator devices is available with a rugged and plush Turf-Top™ layer for the body contact surface.
Versatile – The Turf-Top™ contact surface may be used with cleat shoes (baseball, football, soccer, track, golf, etc.) or just as easily barefoot or with gym shoes.
On-Field Use – Turf-Top™ Activators are an excellent way to keep muscles warm and ready for action when on the sidelines at an event. They can be used on natural turf, astroturf, or court/track surfaces.
Barefoot Training Benefits
Natural Foot Connection – As a direct & often sole interface between our body and the ground, our feet allow us to sense, interact, and adjust to our environment.
Impulse Positive – It takes milliseconds for impulses from feet to reach your brain & for your brain to respond and control the feet for adjustments during athletic movements. Barefoot training enhances these attributes.
Injury Reduction – Known to improve muscle strength, endurance, stability, proprioception, and coordination, barefoot workouts increase these attributes and can decrease the chances of injury.
Improve Foot Strength – Feet contain 200+ muscles, tendons & ligaments, all of which work together to provide support, balance & mobility. Training barefoot helps prevent common injuries and strengthens “often overlooked” foot muscles.
Ankle Mobility – Improves through connecting tissues from the toes and plantar fascia to the ankle. Research shows improved ankle mobility can improve movement landing mechanics for injury prevention, increase vertical jump height, and can significantly improve running performance.
Biomechanical Efficiency – We’re bio-mechanically made to perform barefoot for:
Improved Coordination
Improved Foot Stability – toes can spread and remove constrictions of shoes
Healthier Joints – reduced chance of injuries
Balance – shoes can limit foot muscle engagement (i.e., running shoes made to propel forward, not for balance)
Sensory Maximization – information from feet protect from injury, and make subtle gait adjustments to protect bones & joints, and more efficient movement.
Proprioception Improvements – Also known as our Sixth Sense (sense of knowing where your body is in space – try closing eyes & touching nose).
Proprioceptor Increased Activation – sensory receptors which receive stimuli from within the body, especially those that respond to position and movement.
Sensory Receptors – over 200,000 nerve endings in each foot – more than any other part of the body! These receptors are activated by pressure, vibrations and temperature.
Central Nervous System Feedback – continuous sensory signals transmit between the soles of our feet and up to our brain, with signals sent back to muscles which are constantly making minute adjustments that allow us to balance.
Engages ALL Foot Muscles – proper engagement for necessary connection between muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments and nerves.